Monday, October 10, 2011

DNF Qualification

First qulification heat over and done with. I made a 138 m dive and made it to the finals with a 8 place total.
It was a pretty clean dive and it felt ok during the hole dive with contractions starting around 40 meter.
What I didn't like was everything leading up to the dive. Put my suit on too soon, got into the water unnecessary early etc..But I still managed to stay cool and relaxed which was what I was most happy about.

The norwegian Bjarte annonced high and did the best performance of all. Very controlled and there is certainly more where that came from.
From our swedish team Ulf Linberg went to the final with a 150 m dive but with some penalties and Ulf Dextegen did a 127 meter dive but came up with a samba and got a red card. Monika Wenger did a personal best 59 meter and looked really strong but missed the finals.
All in all pretty happy faces on the swedes.
Now it's over to Static.

My 138 m dive


  1. A lot of love and support from Africa!! Quite amazed at those times!! Go rock that pool!!

  2. Tack så mycket.. Lillbror och Give Watts kollegan skötte sig exemplariskt i coach rollen..

    Hälsa så mycket.
